Tag Archives: Diving Philippines

Philippinen and the Filipino Way

Watch a video of Terra X 2DF channel presenting the Philippines and the Filipino sea nomads.


The Filipino Way
The whole crew woke up at 5 a.m. as scheduled. But the boaters came late, (as usual – the famous “Filipino time”). When the boaters finally came, it turned out that the whole crew and their equiptments would not go in the boat. So they had to order another boat. Mr. Dirk Steffens was already pessimistic if they would even make it out that day, hehehe. But eventually, they managed to get another boat and the crew could sail out in the end. I like this cut, showing the boys in shorts and goggles playing under water with the foreign guests in full diving gear, hehehe.

Just watching these clips make me want to shout out: “Here it is! The country where I hail from. The Paradise of the Southeast.”

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