Well, I decided to take time off from social networking for some months, weeks, days, ehem– hours
I found out that my blog has been hibernating for several months now and yet my friendly service provider has been busy! 😉
So, what’s up?
Fast approaching is the Holiday Season again– Christmas, New Year… Same Routine. Different Figures!
I’ll be working through the Christmas Holidays but I’ll be Off from the 30th of December till the 2nd of January. I did request for a couple of days vacation. From the 3rd of January till the 12th. If it can be arranged, I’ll be welcoming the 2014 with my family in Brussels, Belgium. Hopefully all will go as planned!
So, I was absent from blogging for a while… reasons?
Well, first I was busy at work. I started on something that went quiet well in the beginning but…but now I am not that sure anymore. It looks like I would have to find something better to do than just do what I have been doing for the last 8 months or so. I still don’t know what though—hehehe!
Okay… maybe I just need a much deserved break?!
I was also busy trying to maintain my optimal weight…. ahemmm… yes, I am vain – sometimes? Okay-okay! I admit.. I am really always Vain!!! So???
Before I started Fasting on a regular basis, my weight was playing around 68-70. It depends how many times I had rice in a week! Imagine a petite Filipina, 1,53 cm height and weighing 70-yish!?!
Well, suffice it to say, I had to do a complete turn around regarding my eating habit. Low carb, no sweets, more fruits and black coffee! It worked of course. I now weigh 12 kilos less than I weighed several years back. Now the next difficult part is to maintain this desired weight. Yes, it is difficult! harharhar!!! Mas mabuti pang mag review for an exam or do an essay on the complete LotR Trilogy kaysa mag maintain ng timbang… heeeeelp me!!!
Now, this is what I eat:
Breakfast: 2-3 pcs. of toast or 2-3 slices of cake with a cup of black coffee or tea
Lunch: I’m actually allowed to eat everything: from rice, pasta, pizza
Dinner: Vegetables with less carb of course- no potato, no rice no pasta, less leafy salad
But still, there are some days when I really can’t stop myself from eating carb at night as well. On times when I get invited for dinner or when I’m about to have my monthly thingy!… Then I splurge – and that’s when it get’s critical.
Luckily, after 5 years – I still manage to maintain my weight at around 50-yish or so. My dream weight is actually 54 KG. I reached it after I did my very fist “fasting regime”. Now I’m 2kg more sometimes 3kg. But who knows how I will look and weigh again after the Holidays…or when I come back from Brussels. I sure hope I won’t gain the 12 kgs back!
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