My Lola….

… in our family, we call her “Mamang”. Our pillar. She has guided the whole family with 9 children, 30 or 32 grandchildren ( can’t recall how many attachments are still unaccounted for) and if im still updated 10 (+ 2 on the way) great-grandchildren.
She turned 89 last 12.11.2011. According to my cousin Shang, our Mamang is still in good shape. Just older, grander and happy. Sorry that I missed her birthday party this year. But I promised myself that I will be there next year for her 90th birthday. You see, I grew up with my Lola. My mom is her fourth child. While my parents were working in Manila, my sibs and I had to stay with our Mamang in Dipolog until I was around 10 years old. Then my parents uprooted us all to Manila. Even then, we still went back to the province to be with her whenever our finances permitted it. Back then, it was only possible for us to travel by sea. It took always three days from Manila to Dipolog, but we braved it, my sibs and I … just to be with our Mamang. I still remember, my youngest sister Diday didn’t even want to go to Manila with our parents before. She only knew Mamang since she was only a baby when our parents left the province. She is still believed to be the favorite apo of our mamang… perhaps?°
Even now, whenever I come to visit, I always have to go to her first and foremost. Only after I have been to see her can I go on trotting to the resorts or other Islands in the Philippines. Our bonding routine? – Well, facial Spa and shopping, hehehe.
I may not be the favorite Apo (grandchild), but I am still thankful and proud to have her Genes. Am also thankful for the first 10 years of my life that I spent with her. She is just the best Lola ever!
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